The Husband-Wife Team of Anita Pettengill and Dan Telesco, Founded “Make a Home Foundation” in 2010 after viewing the “Oprah Winfrey Show” that portrayed many Female Veterans homeless and suffering alone in Silence. Anita and Dan realized in that moment that there Was and Urgent Need to Offer Help to Veterans who have Sacrificed themselves in the Service of this Country but have ended up being challenged by Circumstances placing them in Crises Situations Where they have felt Alone and Forgotten.

Their Vision quickly expanded in its Scope when they realized that the Streets of Connecticut Towns were Filled with Countless other Victims of Homelessness whose stories were every bit as Dire and in need of Support. So, at a Tag Sale one Day Anita and Dan realized there were a lot of perfectly Good Furniture and Household Items being Thrown away and Sent to Landfills that could handily be Repurposed to Serve the Needs of these Homeless Victims Looking for Pathways Off the Streets and into Homes.  From that point, with the help of a “Little Pickup Truck”, Anita and Dan’s Dream took Shape. As the Miles Piled Up, so did the Generous Donations of Furnishings which Led the Way ultimately to a 35,000 Square Foot Building!

Anita and Dan have both Shared in a History of Serving others in Need. In fact Anita has her certification in Substance Abuse Counseling so she Came to this Life’s work Naturally.  Having been the Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor, where she Lived with PTSD every Day of her life, and which Lighted her Inspired Journey and Dedication to a Lifetime of Serving Others in Need.

“Support those who served to secure our freedom.”

Freedom is not free, and neither is the cost of war. Let us honor and support our veterans who have paid the price for our liberty.

Committed to Transparency

When you donate to MAHF, the majority of your contribution goes directly towards providing household furnishings to veterans and families in need. We prioritize minimizing our operating expenses to maximize the impact of every donation and make a tangible difference in our communities, you can be confident that your contribution is going towards improving someone’s quality of life and making our communities a better place to live.
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Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

+(203) 527 5100
199 Park Rd Ext,
Middlebury Ct 06762


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